Thursday, February 28, 2013

Insanity Workout Day 19: For the love of FASHION

Staying motivated is not an easy task when the only place you are losing inches is your chest and the scale seems to be stuck in the past. On day nineteen I find myself drifting to the back of my mind where it is asking the question "why do you keep going if you are not seeing results." Well, Rome wasn't built in a day. Right?
Even though today was my FAVORITE workout day because it was cardio recovery I found it hard to want to start the workout. One because of that little voice in the back of my head reminding me I haven't seen too many results and two I fear that I might have hurt my knee in one of the past routines.

One of the things the instructor repeats on every video is that you should go at your own pace and be safe. I have been doing just that; however, on day seventeen I could feel my right knee starting to ache and swell. Not a good sign but I am in this and I am not about to quit or make excuses not to do the workout.

There is not much I can do about my knee except to take the necessary steps to protect it from any further damage. So right now I am walking a fine line of not losing momentum and not hurting my knee permanently. I am thinking about doing the cardio recovery and Cardio abs video for the next two days even though it is not the routine scheduled. My thought process is that switching the videos my not be ideal for the program but it will allow me to keep going and give my knee some time to heal.

Source: via Britt on Pinterest
As for the little voice inside my head asking WHY is it so important to complete this particular exercise program, especially since your results to date are only fair? I choose to respond to it's pesky questions with this responses:

  1. I said I would! I am the type of person that we I make a commitment to someone or even myself I always follow through! 
  2. It's a challenge and I want to conquer the CHALLENGE!
  3. Because I believe this program produces results. I have seen it with my own eyes. 
  4. For the love of FASHION!
Yes, you read number four correctly. For the love of FASHION is one of the ways I stay motivated to push through the challenge and the pain. At the end of the day, life is about being healthy but like any girl I love clothes and I want to look good in what I define as "my style." When my little voice starts to get me down I turn to Pinterest Fashion to stock my virtual closet and remind me to keep pushing forward.

Source: via Natalie on Pinterest

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