Thursday, November 29, 2012

Back to the Future

I think before I can bring you to present day I need to finish telling my back story.
Source: Pinterest
Once I had decided that I was going to make the commitment to become a "runner" I had to find my motivation. So I looked to the thing I love most...MUSIC!! Now most "professional" runners would say if you are good runner you shouldn't listen to music while running because you are suppose to be listening to your breathing, etc. I can totally respect that angle; however, I am not a professional and at this point I wasn't even an amateur so I needed all the motivation I could find.

My first playlist:

These are some of the songs that pushed me through learning how to run that first mile without stopping for the occasional walk/run to catch my breath. They are you typical upbeat pop songs that you would hear at any gym; however, for me there were my personal cheerleaders. Depending on the kind of day I was having there would be a least one song that would resenate with me and I found myself getting lost in the lyrics and what they were teaching me at that moment.

My first "kick-butt" song that I quickly made what Nike calls my "powersong" was Kelly Clarkson's "What doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger." Although the song was is written in a relationship format when you are pouring with sweat, hearing your heartbeat behind the bass of the music and wanting to quite the song becomes your personal coach. I would grit my teeth and as I purged all the weak thoughts not only about running but about the stress life was bringing to my door. Because "what doesn't kill you makes you a fighter, footsteps even lighter." ~Kelly Clarkson

Every song on this playlist found it's way there because A) I like the song and B) they became my cheer sections and my inspiration to keep running.

I have now moved onto a new playlists but sometimes when I am feeling like I need a little push I go back to my cheer squad!

Hope you enjoy them and that maybe one will inspire you to be stronger, see the light when there is no light, give you the strength you need to push you, get your kicks pumped up and while doing all of that remind you to have FUN!

Good Luck!!

" is a marathon, not a sprint."

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

From there to here...

Where to begin? I guess I should take you back to the time before I took my first step of the 176.6 miles to tell you how I got from there to here.

I have never been an "official" runner. I wasn't the track star in high school and since then I have not developed an obsession for fitness. (Although some days I wish I had that discipline because weight management would be so much easier. I am just your average 5'ft woman who loves chocolate, wine and all things tasty.)

Source: Pinterest
In my younger years I was involved in all kinds of sports but after graduation and college the passion to play didn't linger. I found that as the years pasted exercising became more of a chore than a way to "play" and it became less and less of a priority. I remember times when I was working out and I would think to my self "I wish I could be a runner." I am not talking about running on a treadmil for hours at a time but the kind of runner that laces up their Nike's even when it is pouring rain, snowing or on vacation at a beautiful beach. The kind of runner that runs from the soul and not to check off "daily exercise" from their to day to day checklist.  

In February this year I turned 31 and I found myself feeling trapped in the mundane routine of life. I had completed school, established a career and found love. Although it took years to accomplish all of these great things in my short lifetime I couldn't help but wonder if this was what the rest of my life was going to be like. All my great accomplishment behind me and now part of a "when I was younger story."

After a couple of weeks of this reoccurring feelings and thoughts I had come to the conclusion that although I had accomplished many great things there was still more that I wanted to accomplish. I had come to the realization that I had transitioned out of a learning phase of life and into steady state. Not that steady state is a bad thing but for my life I realized steady state involved busy work days that kept my mind, body and emotions stressed. Along with the stress of a career I was also a full time partner, daughter, sister and a friend. I love all of these things about my steady state I just didn't want that to be all that my lift was about. I wanted my life to be full, have depth, color and a multitude of personal experiences and growth.

Source: Pinterest
These are the thoughts that lead me to taking the first step out of the steady state and back into a learning phase; however, this learning phase was not about career or education it was about becoming a better me. I choose becoming a runner as my first phase in the learning process because it would allow me to get the exercise I need as the years keep coming but it also allowed me time for just me. This was an hour of the day that could be for my music (which I love and wasn't getting to do enough listening), my thoughts and decompressing from all the stress of life. Let's be honest the steady state of life is always going to be there so this was a perfect way to take a "time out" just for me.

Source: Pinterest

Over the last ten months and 176.6 miles I have been learning to become a "soul runner." With every pound of my heartbeat, the thumping of my feet hitting the ground and the music in my ears I am finding my place as a runner.

My goal from this point forward is to become a better running and to take the next step in the learning phase and become a better writer. That is where this blog begins.

My journey from this point forward will be about documenting what I am still learnering about becoming a runner, how I keep myself motivated, the music that helps to keep me motivated and the my random thoughts blaze a path through my mind while I am having my quality time.

Remember "it is a marathon, not a sprint." ;-)

P.S. If you haven't noticed I am in love with quotes.